
Monday, November 29, 2010

About me

My name is Rachel and I just recently left an abusive relationship after 25 years. I have 1 adult child who is living on his own and 2 teenage children who are currently living with their abusive father. I grew up in a home where physical and emotional abuse were prevalent and at the age of 16 moved into a relationship which was comprised of emotional, verbal and mental abuse; there was also physical abuse on occasion. I am currently in the process of divorce, in counseling and dealing with many issues including: building my self-esteem which was knocked down by the verbal abuse, learning to think clearly and rationally after years of mental abuse and repairing the damage to my soul inflicted by emotional abuse, working on the relationships with my children and of course all the legal issues of a nasty divorce.
When I started down this path I felt so alone and confused. What helped me the most was knowing that I was not alone; there were others who have gone before me and were willing to help guide me. Some of these people were personal friends, some were professionals and some were total strangers. Who ever they were and what ever contribution they made, they are the ones that helped me find my strength and courage take control of my life, stop the abuse and start the healing and recovery. It is my turn to do the same. I hope to provide you with a place where you can get useful information about abuse, supply you with links to resources that can help you to break away from the abuse and most importantly, support for you on your journey out of abuse.